Data Science-A Career
Option for 21st Century: Job Prospect in Data Science (Data Science: Series-2) Kindle
by ajit kumar roy (Author, Editor)
Presently, scientists,
engineers, educators, citizens and decision-makers have unprecedented amounts
and types of data available to them. Data generates from many sources,
including scientific instruments, medical devices, telescopes, microscopes,
satellites; digitally-authored media, text, images, audio, and emails;
streaming data from weblogs, videos, financial & commercial transactions.
Now we are facing challenges in the management of data and knowledge; and
data-enabled discovery processes. Therefore, attention is given on the
computational, mathematical, and statistical methods for data analysis; and
visualization techniques for "making sense" of the data.
Data Science is an applied activity and data scientists serve
the needs and solve the problems of data users. Data Science is a flourishing
industry. Countries and companies around the world are continuously
experiencing a rush in the amount of data collected. They are determined to
hire experts who can work on their data and improve their lives. Such experts
are known by many names and most popular is ‘Data Scientist’. Thomas Davenport
and D.J. Patil brought the data scientist into the national spotlight terming
‘Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century’. Data Scientists are in
high demand. There is simply not enough talent to fill the jobs. Hal Varian,
the chief economist at Google, is known to have said, “The sexy job in the next
10 years will be statisticians”.
According to expert opinion to become a data scientist, you
need is to have enough baseline knowledge and experience, and the skill to
constantly adapt and learn. Boot camps are the perfect medium for making the
transition. Data science is big landscape and self-learning is the necessary
skill if anyone wants to become a good data scientist. MOOCs had been Major
source of treasure for the data scientist. You can search through this
exhaustive list of courses duly reviewed by experts and documented in the book
entitled. ‘Data Science-A Career Option for 21st Century’.The book is broadly
compiled with the following seven chapters and within each chapter there are
many points to get the answers of the key questions that are likely to come from
the aspiring Data Scientists.
Chapter 1: Basic Concept about Data and Data ScienceChapter 2: Comparison among Data Scientist and Other Analytic Disciplines
Chapter 3: Skill Requirement for Data Scientist’s Job
Chapter 4: Data Science Courses Offered by Educational Institutions
Chapter 5: Big Data Trends, Predictions and Growth in the Next 12 Months - 2016
Chapter 6: Modeling Related to Data Science
Chapter 7: Career Outlook for Data Science Professionals
Besides, the book contains web addresses, links, tutorials, video, blog posts that will guide one to the right direction to learn and equip oneself to become a successful Data Scientist. The book is an ideal read for budding data scientists who are just getting started in the field.This is an essential & Perfect for the aspiring data scientists.
The demand for Analytics skill is going up steadily globally
but there is a huge deficit on the supply side. In spite of Big Data Analytics
being a ‘Hot’ job, there are still a large number of unfilled jobs across the
globe due to shortage of required skill. A new study of LinkedIn profiles by
RJMetrics has found that the number of data scientists has doubled over the
last 4 years . This reflects the increasing demand for sophisticated data
analysis skills, combining computer programming with statistics, and the growth
in the popularity of the term “data science”. A McKinsey Global Institute study
states that the US will face a shortage of about 190,000 data scientists and
1.5 million managers and analysts who can understand and make decisions using
Big Data by 2018.India currently has the acute scarcity of data analytics
talent and demand for talent is expected to be on the higher side as more
global organizations are outsourcing their work.
Data Science Institutes in Hyderabad